educator, multi-board certified and with years of EXPERIENCE, Dr. Cortés, strives to help you sleep better, become pain free and live a healthier and energized lifestyle.
Utilizing oral appliance therapy, a non-surgical approach, we treat Sleep Breathing Disorders, as well as Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD).
Adults & Children:
Not only do we treat adults, but children as well. Children’s treatment focus’ on the development of an ideal dental architecture, and in conjunction, the craniofacial complex and its impact on the airway and posture.
CPAP Intolerance:
Are you struggling with Sleep Apnea and are unable to tolerate the use of a CPAP? Don’t worry, we have FDA approved oral sleep appliance options.
Treatment for snoring may incorporate oral appliance therapy, however everyone’s genetic make-up is different, therefore we provide different options which include myofunctionl therapy, laser soft-tissue therapy, nasal release, breathing therapy or cranial facial release.
Personalized Treatment PLans:
Because each patient’s needs are different and everyone responds differently, Dr. Martha Cortés specializes in different oral appliances in order to find the best option for you and your specific condition, symptoms and needs. Below are some of the appliances that she utilizes in her practice to treat sleep breathing disorders, TMD and mid-facial underdevelopment.
Oral Appliances
the dna® appliance ("day & night appliance"):
Treating an array of conditions the DNA® Appliance is a ground breaking device.
Before & After
DNA® Appliance only
Pre-Treatment - Mid-Facial Underdevelopment
Post-Treatment - Mid-Facial Development
"The Natural Face-Lift"
Utilizing the body's own genes and natural reactions, the FDA approved oral sleep appliance is designed to assist the development and functions of underlying jaw and nasal structures, in a non-surgical approach. The DNA® gently remodels the inside arches of the mouth, as well as mid-facial bones, thus working to improve one's airway and assisting the remodeling of the cranial bone structures to improve airway obstruction. This oral appliance therapy is a possible treatment option for those who are CPAP intolerant.
Functional Benefits
Treats sleep breathing disorders
Increases duration and quality of sleep. More sleep means more energy and greater quality of life!
Enhances body structures that support the fascia and muscles, opening up the airway.
Realigns and recaptures disc to minimize pain associated with TMD.
Minimizes/eliminates signs and symptoms related to bite impairments: grinding, clenching, etc.
Improves breathing through the nose.
Aesthetic Benefits
Assists in straightening crooked teeth that resulted from inadequate jaw space
Assists in re-aligning facial symmetry
Fully develops the teeth, oral cavity, jaws and face together, as they are intertwined components of the same system.
Enhances chin and cheekbone definition
Activates the growth mechanism in patients that have incomplete facial development.
Assists with Improving posture
With over 10 years of experience with the DNA & mRNA™ Appliances Dr. Cortés is also the first female instructor of the appliance when it first came out. In addition, with over 300+ cases, Dr. Martha Cortés is also a clinical advisor for the Vivos DNA & mRNA appliances.
The Vivos Appliance, used for children, is an an actively and passively worn appliance made of a comfortable FDA approved material. Though it may feel out of place in beginning use, the Vivos Appliance works to help establish proper oral habits and mandibular development.
Goals of the Vivos Appliance:
Establish nasal breathing
Establish proper tongue strength, posture, swallowing and speech
Eliminate all bad habits (thumb sucking, tongue thrust, etc.)
Guide ideal growth and development of the middle and lower third of the head, including the airway
Facilitate the growth and development of the whole body
Correct any orthodontic diagnosis to a Class I with ideal overbite and overjet
The ALF appliance is a discrete wire appliance that works to stimulate bone growth naturally to fix and improve one's mandibular functionality, and can in turn cause improvement in an individual's body as well. Through gentle and subtle pressure, the ALF Appliance may help correct and resolve the follow:
Improper positioning of dental arches
Maxillae and/or mandible underdevelopment
Swallowing dysfunction
Speech impediments
Sleep apnea and sleep breathing disorders
Airway constriction and breathing problems
Cranial bone realignment
Suboptimal posture and spinal alignment
Assist in treating Temporalmandibular Joint Disorder
The ASA AppLiance (Aligner sleep Appliance):
Created by Sleep ArchiTx, the ASA appliance is a FDA-cleared and patented dental sleep appliance designed to fit in combination with clear aligner systems. Combined with the expertise of a board-certified sleep dentist, transverse (width) osseous expansion is accomplished and monitored to treat sleep breathing disorders. The ASA appliance aims to express one’s beautiful smile even further while striving to have you sleep and breath better.
Contact us to learn more and see if this appliance is the right fit for you.
The MSE Appliance (Maxilo-Skeletal Expander):
Studies have shown that an individual’s breathing, nasal breathing in particular, may improve when the roof of the mouth, or palate, is skeletally expanded. This is partially due to the fact that the floor of the nose is directly connected to the roof of the mouth. A skeletal expander that utilizes this concept is the MSE or Maxilo-Skeletal Expander, which has revolutionized that way ideal upper jaw width may be established and it’s impact on airway and sleep health. This treatment is reserved for patients with very a narrow/constricted upper jaw and nasal cavity.
The MSE Appliance may help or improve the following:
Assist in opening nasal cavity spaces*
Improve nasal breathing, and airway/respiratory health
Improve proper space for the tongue
Relieve crowding and cross-bite issues
Assist with sleep apnea, breathing issues, or TMD
Big deciding factor - *
TMD Splints:
Temporomanidibular Joint Disorder (TMD) can be a debilitating condition, and thankfully there are treatment options for it. In simplicity, TMD splints work by opening the space in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) to decompress the joint, as well as alleviate tension and pain. There are different types of TMD splints and with our personalized treatment plans, we can find the right option for you.
Clear Aligner Treatment:
Do want braces? Our office offers Invisalign and Candid clear aligners. Why do we offer two different companies? Since every patient’s needs are different and everyone responds differently, we may choose one company over the other to fit your specific needs. Give us a call and see if clear aligners are the right treatment for you.
Dental braces are offered at our office and can incorporate a specialized combination therapy with another appliance in order to best treat your condition, symptoms and needs. Contact us to find out more!